Hello, I'm
Jim Fifth

If you're looking to hire a freelance Umbraco expert to build or upgrade a web development project, or looking to add a new member to join your growing team, let’s connect.
Since 2013 I have specialized in Umbraco CMS utilizing ASP.Net MVC and now .Net Core. These skills have allowed me to easily create and solve just about any business solution that may arise.
Never used Umbraco? To see how it’s running this website, log in using the ID and password below:
One thing I learned over the years is that any technology you learn today will likely be obsolete tomorrow. So to keep ahead of the curve I strive to evolve my programming skills by learning and adding new technologies to the foundational skills I already use regularly. The following is a basic overview of the technologies I have mastered over the years.
*Need someone who can learn a new skill quickly? There is little I can't learn... unless if it's PHP!! Yuck... I utterly hate that language!!
Enough to be Dangerous
Am I not local to your company? No problem, I prefer working remotely anyway. So if you feel that we are a good match, than let's get in touch. Fill out the form below and I'll get back to you as quickly as possible.